BBI School Program

This is a unique program morphed over more than 7 years of teaching. We started with the concept of “Flip Classroom”, and further encouraged students to debate and argue their views with the facilitators. As time is of the essence, students at BBI learns to optimize time of learning. They will learn the communicative skills of the English Language, Mathematics and Computer Programming at a very early age and swim with these skills long enough for them to do well in their chosen university.

To whom life is a serious journey and attempts chance with eruditely dabbles. We invite similar minds to join us in this knowledge based education system. Never allow age to determine the children’s abilities, they deserve a system where they are able to flourish and enjoy the offers from the universe. At BBI, we customize learning to suit the children’s needs. A boutique system we continuously improve to ensure “No Child is Left Behind”. Children should never be differentiated nor separated because of where they are from, on the contrary, they should learn to unify despite their intrinsic and extrinsic differences. It is through education we are able to achieve complete union of humankind.